jueves, 6 de febrero de 2014

This is a Revolutionary War

In order to make independence a reality Patriots had to win a bloody war against the most powerful country at the time. The British population was four times greater than the colonist's, which was 2.5 million. One fifth of this 2.5 were loyalist, another was neutral, and another slaves, minus women and kids. Numerical odds weren't good for the Patriots, and that wasn't their only disadvantage. British were great manufacturers of weapons, had an established government, and a trained army with plenty of supplies.

Patriots on the other hand were barely beginning a new type of government never seen before in the world, their army was low on supplies and had zero to little training. However, Patriots had one great advantage: British soldiers were fighting for a king, while patriots were fighting for their country and liberty. Even though this was one advantage, it was very powerful. England had defeated many European armies, but all these consisted of fighting, winning, and the losing team surrendering. Patriots wouldn't give up after losing one, two, three, or five battles. They kept coming back for more, until they eventually achieved their independence.

British never took Patriots seriously. They saw them as a small enemy which could be easily defeated. It is now evident they underestimated the power of a country fighting for its freedom, and that we can call their first great mistake. Their Lord Commander at the time, Lord William Howe believed that if he could defeat the Continental Army and take over Philadelphia, which was the Patriot capital at the time, the war would be won. He achieved both things, yet americans kept coming for more. Britain never understood this wasn't a European war, this was a revolutionary war. By hiring mercenaries they fed even more the Patriot's anger, and eventually lost the war.

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