Even though the son's of liberty sounds like a fancy organization, it was composed by workers and tradesmen. It all began the early summer of 1765 when the Stamp Act had just been passed. At the beginning they were a small group of shopkeepers and artisans who called themselves the Loyal Nine, but within time they grew and around two thousand man had join. Their most famous leader was a man named Samuel Adams, cousin of John Adams, the United States' second president. However, the Adams were public figures who couldn't afford being related to all those violent acts so other members would create public sentiment about the act.
The first impacting- popular acts they committed took place on August 14, 1765 when a tax collector was hanged in a tree on Newbury street with a large boot that had a devil climbing out of it. Sheriffs were ordered to take him down but they were afraid they would get killed too, for a mob had formed around the scene. The same day, a mob burnt the hanged guy's property and ransacked his house! It became clear the Sons of Liberty weren't messing around. They were dangerous, and standing up against the British government's abuses. The sheriffs and judges kept a low profile then on, they were way too afraid of them. By the end of the year, there were sons of liberty in every colony and almost every tax collector had resigned.
All these movements were successful and they got their way with removing the stamp act, they created a congress called the stamp act congress and were free of this tax by the next year. However more and more attempts from Parliament to impose taxes came. The sons of liberty were ready for them, many other important revolution events involved them. Including the Boston tea party between others. This men were patriots who even though came as cruel and extremist, played a big role in the United States independence process.
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